Stories of Change

Stories of Change

  • We supported farmers in Gorama Kono Chiefdom in Kono district immediately after the war ended in 2002 with seed rice, farming tools, food for work, goats and sheep as part of our support towards the immediate post-war resettlement and reconstruction process to the communities we worked with.
  • In 2009, we supported farmers in 17 chiefdoms in Bo, Pujehun, Kenema, Kono and Kailahun districts with Nerica and Pakiamp seed rice, groundnut seeds, hoes and cutlasses, food for work and extension services. Additionally, we organized the farmers into farmers groups and supported these farming communities to construct drying floors and grain stores. This was part of our engagements on food security.
  • In 200also, we supported some local communities in Kenema district to develop fish ponds with the aim of helping these communities toincreasetheintakeoffishprotein.
  • With support from the UNDP Office in Sierra Leone, we held district­level public awareness raising sessions on the Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers across the country and this helped to increase citizens’ participation in developing the SL­PRSP in 2002.
  • We are a founding and Strategic Management Committee member of the National Elections Watch, established in 2002 to monitor and observe all public elections in Sierra Leone.
  • We participated in the production of a handbook on local governance prior to the re­introduction of local government in Sierra Leone in 2004.
  • In collaboration with other civic groups, we organized the protest to the residence of the RUF rebel leader, Corporal Foday Sankoh, in May 2000, which turned out to be a watershed in the peace process in Sierra Leone.
  • We participated in the Lome Peace Accord in Togo in 1999 representing civil society.
  • We organized a national post­elections strategic reflection for civil society groups after the 2007 elections (looking at the processes, structures and roles of stakeholders such as NEC, PPRC, ONS, Media, NEW, etc.
  • In collaboration with CCYA, we hosted the West African Civil Society Elections Monitoring Team supported by OSIWA in 2007.
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