

In the delivery of our work, we emphasize the following approaches:

Human rights-­based approaches

All our work is under-pinned by a human rights-‐based approaches. We believe that for people to enjoy their rights we need to change not only policies, institutions and practices but also attitudes and behaviours. We believe that all people have social, economic, political, cultural, environmental and civil rights that are indivisible and interconnected. To overcome poverty and suffering, inequality and injustices we work to ensure that these rights are fulfilled and protected. We engage in service delivery work only in ways that help to strengthen people’s leverage to claim their rights from the State more effectively and sustainably.

Participatory adult education learning cycle using the ‘action-­reflection-action’ processes

We promote participatory action-­‐reflection-­‐action processes with the most excluded and vulnerable groups at a local level, which is crucial for supporting and strengthening citizens’ engagement, movements and representative groups. Being the actors that they are, they should be made to reflect on their situation, describe what is happening, analyze the causes and effects as well as the actors involved, identify actions to take and plan to engage. Their life and work need to be reflected upon as regularly as required.

Influencing and campaigning

We will engage in influencing and campaigning together with others committed to overcoming forces at local and national levels that reinforce poverty and inequality. We will engage in adult education reflection processes to encourage all our partners to connect to and support open alliances, engage with policy debates

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